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Wider Health and Care and Community Working Group

This group is for those involved in NIHR portfolio research outside of NHS settings e.g. Public Health, Social Care, Care Homes, and Hospices.

This is a growing area of activity, and the purpose of the group is to provide peer support, share best practice and solutions, and to form a united voice to advocate where helpful adjustments could be implemented by our partners (e.g. DH&SC, NIHR, HRA, PHE).

The Wider Health and Care and Community Working Group is chaired by Paul Roy, Research Manager at NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB.

The ICB Research Team provides research management and governance support for research outside of Hospital, with well-established support in primary care & public health, and expanding into new areas of social care, hospices and care homes.

If you would like to join the group and learn with us, please get in touch with

Group Chair(s):

Edyta McCallum

Dr Edyta McCallum completed PhD in Molecular Biology at the University of London and Msc in Quality Improvement and Patient Safety at the University of Nottingham. Edyta is Senior Research Co-ordinator at Kent and Medway Integrated Care Board (KM ICB) and Kent County Council (KCC). Edyta has vast experience in research governance and research delivery, having worked in health and care research for over 15 years. She has been involved in creation of the first Joint Research Offices in London, supported development of the Clinical Local Research Network (CLRN), and Kent and Medway Research & Innovation Collaborative (KM RIC), a group of research professionals from academia, primary care, local authorities, acute hospitals and other research active institutions.

Edyta is long term supporter of embedding research & innovation culture within community and care settings, addressing silo working between research active institutions and finalising role of the Integrated Care Board (ICB) in facilitating research & innovation delivery. She has set up a very successful research & innovation department at district hospital Medway NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) and has been approached by Public Health Director to replicate the success in the community and primary care settings across Kent and Medway. Edyta is currently working with the Public Health Team and other specialities at Kent County Council on embedding research culture in settings such as care homes, schools, mental health or sexual services. Edyta believes that research & innovation services should work more closely together, parallel to the concept of the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), so that jointly, through science and evidence, they can address challenges faced by communities, health and care services and its workforce.

Tara Maitland

Group Members:

TBA – Group membership is under review and this page will be updated when this is confirmed.

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