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Groups & Current Work

Working together to advance our practice and to shape
the health and care environment for research.

NHS R&D Forum Groups

ICB Research Leads Group

The Integrated Care Board (ICB) Research Leads Working Group is set up to bring together those individuals whose remit it is to lead, support and enable ICBs to meet their statutory duties in relation to research and the use of evidence from research. It also provides a forum to meet with stakeholder organisations operating in England.

The purpose of the group is to provide peer support for those individuals leading and managing this agenda in ICBs, to share learning and best practice and develop new resources. The group also acts as advocates, influencers and agents for improvement both within their own Integrated Care System (ICS) and by feeding into England wide senior policy and decision makers and reporting back.

Group Chair:

Clara Yates

Clara is the Associate Director of Research within the ICB and leads the research management, research design, evidence and evaluation and PPI teams.

Group Members:

TBA – Group membership is under review and this page will be updated when this is confirmed.

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  • Lead new work related to the themes, in their specific areas of interest.
  • Create resources where there are gaps
  • Influence partners & invited stakeholders. Discuss their work, ask for opinions and shape policy.
  • Share expertise and gather intelligence from and for the community
  • Horizon scan for what is of interest to the community. Horizon scanning and conducting community surveys
  • Develop consultation responses
  • Act as a point of reference & contact for the members with questions or peer review
  • Feed into general Forum training, conference and events programmes.
  • Champion the NHS R&D Forum and our community.
  • Speak for and represent the research management, support and leadership community.
  • Drive the Forum forward and provide leadership
  • Strategically, proposing Forum content, providing leadership and ensuring oversight of outputs
  • As a point of contact, providing peer support to colleagues
  • As a Task and finish, producing outputs and resources
  • As a space to work out loud, sharing experience and connecting with colleagues.