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the health and care environment for research.

NHS R&D Forum Groups

UK Research Finance Group

The UK Research Finance Group is a professional community of NHS R&D Finance Managers across the UK. The group provides the opportunity to forge professional relationships and establish a network of colleagues. It will also deliver outputs including guidance and training to support the research finance community.

It resulted from a request from UKRD (a national community of R&D Leaders established in 2017) to establish a working group of NHS R&D Finance managers specifically to explore and discuss topical and ongoing issues facing NHS R&D departments, how they impact on individual Trusts and the R&D community as a whole.

For this initiative, R&D Forum is working jointly with the UKRD as there is overlap and interest in this work for both communities.

Contact the Group

For further information follow this link:

Monthly virtual coffee mornings

Dates for 2025 to be confirmed but will be 3rd Monday of the month at 10:00.

If you wish to join please contact: Emmanuel Rollings-Kamara

Deputy Service Director, R&D, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

Group contact details:

Name Trust Email address RDN region
Susan Keenan (chair) Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust North London
Joe Mwanza (deputy chair) University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust North London
Emmanuel Rollings-Kamara Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust North London
Mahendra Wadhwana University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust East Midlands
Polash Chedmail Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust South London
Frances Farnworth East Suffold and North Essex NHS Founation Trust East of England
Maja Andreevska Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust South Central
Kirsten Bailey Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust South Central
Mark Albrighton University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Foundation Trust East Midlands
Bart Philipczyk The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust North London
Mark Simpson Swansea Bay University Health Board Wales
Michael Holloway Health and Care Research Wales Wales
Sandra Quinn NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Scotland
Kirsty Cepek University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust South West Central
Sharon Khambay Royal Marsden Hospital South London
Julia West Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust North West
Chris Zampella University Hospitals Plymouth Trust South West Peninsula
Zoe Townsend Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals North East and North Cumbria
Kathryn Baysdon Cambridge University Hospital East of England
Clare Calvert Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS FT South East
Leigh Sanderson Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Northern Ireland
Ron Boulter Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust North West
Simon Revesai Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust Yorkshire and Humber
Parveen Virk Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospital NHS Trust West Midlands
Hayley Angel University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust South Central

Group Chair(s):

Susan Keenan

Susan entered the research arena as R&D Senior Finance Manager at University Hospital Southampton in 2014 and moved to Moorfields Eye Hospital as Head of Finance, R&D in 2024. Her responsibilities include the development and delivery of financial strategy and comprehensive financial management of R&D income and expenditure. She is a fully qualified chartered accountant with vast experience of working as financial lead within the public sector. In 2019 Susan established and continues chair the UK Finance Managers Group (UKRD / RD Forum) which is a professional community of 25 NHS R&D Finance Managers across all four nations, to navigate the complexities of research finance. It was created specifically to explore and discuss topical and ongoing issues facing NHS R&D departments, how they impact on individual Trusts and the R&D community. This influential group has strong links with government who seek its views when developing national policies. In addition to the main Finance Managers Group, there are now regional sub-groups for each RDN region and each Devolved Nation, plus there are monthly virtual coffee mornings that everyone is welcome to join.

Joe Mwanza (Deputy Chair)

University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Group Members:

Mark Albrighton

University Hospitals of Derby & Burton NHS Foundation Trust

Maja Andreevska

Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Kirsten Bailey

Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Kathryn Baysdon

Cambridge University Hospital

Ron Boulter

Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust

Clare Calvert

Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS FT

Kirsty Cepek

University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust

Frances Farnworth

East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Founation Trust

Ernie Finch

Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Michael Holloway

Health and Care Wales

Sharon Khambay

Royal Marsden Hospital

Bart Philipczyk

The Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust

Sandra Quinn

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Simon Revesai

Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust

Emmanuel Rollings-Kamara

Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

Leigh Sanderson

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

Mark Simpson

Swansea Bay University Health Board

Zoe Townsend

Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals

Parveen Virk

Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospital NHS Trust

Mahendra Wadhwana

University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust

Julia West

Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Chris Zampella

University Hospitals Plymouth Trust

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  • Lead new work related to the themes, in their specific areas of interest.
  • Create resources where there are gaps
  • Influence partners & invited stakeholders. Discuss their work, ask for opinions and shape policy.
  • Share expertise and gather intelligence from and for the community
  • Horizon scan for what is of interest to the community. Horizon scanning and conducting community surveys
  • Develop consultation responses
  • Act as a point of reference & contact for the members with questions or peer review
  • Feed into general Forum training, conference and events programmes.
  • Champion the NHS R&D Forum and our community.
  • Speak for and represent the research management, support and leadership community.
  • Drive the Forum forward and provide leadership
  • Strategically, proposing Forum content, providing leadership and ensuring oversight of outputs
  • As a point of contact, providing peer support to colleagues
  • As a Task and finish, producing outputs and resources
  • As a space to work out loud, sharing experience and connecting with colleagues.