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CCG ETC Payments for Devolved Administration-led Studies

Date: 19 February 2021

In October 2018 the NIHR Clinical Research Network took over the management of ETC payments for Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) funded studies on behalf of NHS England. At the CRNCC we provide the administration for the processing for CCG Excess Treatment Costs payments to be paid to the Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRNs) on a quarterly basis in arrears. The payment schedules advise the LCRNs where the payments need to be sent to.

The CRNCC agreed to review the payment service, in order to improve the single modelling method, by developing a new alternative ETC payment model which reduces the number of transactions required to transfer funds.

As a result of this review, from April 2020 a choice of eight payment models can be selected for all NIHR CRN Portfolio studies that are English-led. The payment model selected will ensure payments are made to the correct organisation. An ETC decision tree has been designed to enable the CRNCC and Sponsors to determine which of the eight payment models is applicable to a study.

For Devolved Administration (DA) led studies on the NIHR CRN Portfolio with English recruiting sites that have applicable CCG ETCs, the payment model will automatically defer to ‘Payment model 1’, i.e ETC payments are directed to the English recruitment site(s) based on the recruitment recorded against the site(s). There is no requirement for the Sponsors to determine the payment model for these DA led studies.

If a study occurs where the CCG ETC payment applicable to the English recruiting sites should be paid to a different English site, a choice of the payment model may be considered. The CRNCC will be happy to review a situation like this and determine if a different payment model could be applied. Please contact the etc if you would like to discuss this further.




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