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National Contract Value Review price variation analysis underway

Date: 20 July 2023

A message from the NIHR:

A huge thank you to all NHS organisations responding to the NHS England price variation data collection request. An analysis of these variations is now underway to explore any appropriate adjustments that will enable a ‘no local negotiation’ position from October. An extra-ordinary meeting of the Commercial Costing Reference Group, the multi-stakeholder group responsible for the interactive Costing Tool content, met in mid-July to understand the approach being explored to support this. A tiered approach for set-up fees, revised site multipliers and tariff adjustments within the existing UK interactive Costing Tool are all being explored based on this information. This is the most comprehensive review of the content since the launch of the tool in 2008. Thank you again for your continued support and adaption to enable streamlined approach UK costing and contracting for commercial studies. This is a globally unique offer that is critical to maintaining a strong pipeline of life-science research for NHS patients to benefit from. Further updates will continue to be provided through your Local CRN Industry Operations Manager or Devolved Administration support team.

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