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Clinical Trials Talent Task Force Update

Date: 21 September 2023

The UK Clinical Trials Talent Taskforce (UK CTTT), which includes representation from across the UK ecosystem, was established to review what currently exists in the clinical research space in relation to talent attraction, development, professional recognition, and retention.

The Taskforce, which was launched in August 2023, is jointly chaired by the NHS R&D Forum and IAOCR. The aim of the Taskforce is to identify what already exists in this space, review areas of best practice, highlight gaps in provision and share the findings with key stakeholders as a call to action.

The first meeting was extremely helpful in identifying what already exists in this space. The discussion also gifted the opportunity to review the Terms of Reference for the Taskforce and its membership going forward. Now the holiday season is over, this work will be picked up in earnest, with the outcome being shared at a Think Tank event in Liverpool in November 2023.

To learn more about the Clinical Trials Talent Taskforce please visit:

If you have any questions please contact

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