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Managing Excess Treatment Costs in Non-Commercial Research Outcome of the National Consultation

Date: 10 September 2018

Managing Excess Treatment Costs in Non-Commercial Research Outcome of the National Consultation


After a national consultation exercise there will be a new system  for the management of Excess Treatment Costs for non-commercial research in England.

This new system will start as a trial period from October 1st 2018 with full roll out by April 2019.

To help us understand these new plans, members of the Forum have written a briefing note with partners from the HRA & NIHR CRN CC.

Please be aware that some elements of the new system are still in development and you can therefore keep yourselves up to date by following our Forum News, HRA_Latest and monitoring our Twitter feeds and the dedicated NIHR CRN webpage here

The following point of clarification has been made to the briefing note

The new arrangements for completing a SoECAT at application stage will apply to:

New calls for single stage applications issued after 1st October 2018

Invitations to submit the second and final stage of an application where the invitation is issued after 1st October 2018 (the call for the first stage application may have been issued prior to 1st October)

NIHR Website Supporting research in the NHS – simplifying research arrangements to improve patient care.

The website includes a route map of the process for the management of ETCs.

If you have any questions about the new processes you can email them into and we will collate and forward them on to policy makers.

Please read and share this note with your colleagues so that we are all aware of the changes coming soon.

You can read the briefing note Final version 1.1 updated 26th September here.

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