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February Newsletter

Date: 27 February 2018

Welcome to our February News

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Strengthen our network and community of practice by making sure your Forum contact details are correct and by encouraging your teams to register.

Forum membership is free, and ensures you receive this monthly newsletter directly to your inbox. It helps us all to keep up-to-date and so please pass it on and update any changes using the registration form.

2018 Conference News

Conference 14th & 15th May 2018. Celtic Manor, Newport Wales 

The 2018 Annual NHS R&D Forum Conference will be the biggest ever with a record number of delegates already booked to attend. Here are some updates:

Please note the Sunday Evening Workshop & Networking Buffet is now sold out. The Fringe Events will be held for the first time this year and the details will be announced shortly.

We have now filled all the available bedroom space at the three Celtic Manor Hotels. However, we have secured additional hotel rooms at the Holiday Inn (a short walk from the Conference venue) and can now offer the Delegate Packages for attending the 2 days, the Gala Dinner and B&B accommodation and attending the Monday Morning Workshops. To book see here

Only 8 exhibition stands remaining. To see who else will be exhibiting or to explore which stands are still available to book click here


Our new learning & development oversight group have some exciting developments for the coming year and beyond, and we can share some of these with you at the Conference in May.

Forum courses currently open for bookings this quarter are:

NHS Research the Basics Edinburgh 8th & 9th March

Only a few places are left on NHS Research the Basics in Edinburgh 8th & 9th March. This is a popular course covering a large range of topics for research management, research support and NHS research essentials. Hurry to book a place. Agenda and more information here

Data Management for Research in a Healthcare Setting: A Master Class

The NHS R&D Forum have partnered with the Association of Clinical Data Management (ACDM) to provide this comprehensive one-day expert master class of interest to all research management teams.

This is essential training for anyone in a Sponsor R&D office or clinical trials unit and individuals with responsibility for clinical research data oversight. Learn to develop a data management plan and understand how to minimize risks to study data. More information and learning outcomes here

New dates for all our courses coming up over the year are to follow

Forum Roundup

NEW Forum GDPR work stream and reference group: Call for members

Following the recent publication of guidance from the HRA to support the implementation of GDPR we are delighted to establish a new Forum GDPR work stream and reference group.  This group will feed into our existing working groups to support the development of national training and operational guidance for research management teams.

The group will be supported by the MRC and the HRA, and shall act as a reference point to feed in queries, solutions and operational challenges from the ground.

This will be small group in the first instance with one face-to-face meeting in London, on April 26th. We expect all other meetings to be held by teleconference. If you would like to be a part of the group you should be prepared to commit some time to these teleconferences, support the development of resources and to deliver training to the community through the Forum. Train the trainer support will be provided through the MRC regulatory support center.

Please send your expressions of interest confirming that you are able to commit to these key areas to by March 16th If you would like to have a telephone call to discuss the group further then please also get in touch with Kate

Adding Value to Research through research management, support & leadership. Limited places now available.

 6th March 2018, London

In partnership with NETSCC the NHS R&D Forum working groups are hosting a day’s workshop to look at practical ways we can add value to research in our roles as research leaders, research managers and research support teams. This is a multi-stakeholder workshop with representation from policy makers from across the four nations.

There are a couple of places now available to the wider Forum membership and so if you are interested in attending to help shape this work please get in touch with

 Have your say

Forum response to the NHSE Excess Treatment Costs (ETCs) and commercial study set up consultation published.

The Forum working groups submitted a comprehensive response to NHS England’s consultation on both ETCs and commercial study set up. Thank you to all who contributed and expressed a view. Read our response here

Service Users and Carers as Co-Applicants, Project Team Members and Co-researchers

We updated you last month on our briefing paper from the Forum service user and carer working group, about all the considerations for service users and carers as co-applicants, project team members and co-researchers. The paper was presented to a stakeholder group working with INVOLVE and we have now published it online.

Read the paper and answer some quick questions to help take this work forward.

Around the Forum

Do you have news or updates on your R&D teams around the Forum? This might be via events, training courses, or activities you are developing. Share your work and benefit from the connections this can bring.


New Resources

New submissions to REX this month:

  • Change starts with me: School for Change Agents: Module 1 live webinar catch up
  • New GDPR operational guidance from the HRA
  • Seeing theory: A visual introduction to probability and statistics
  • New CRN research strategy for Allied Health Professionals
  • How is the NHS structured: King’sFund slide-share. Updated on 19 October 2017, these NHS organograms explain how providers are regulated and commissioned, and how the money flows
  • How to generate research impact from Twitter and Linkedin: Fast Track Impact
  • How to set up a stakeholder advisory panel for your research project and why it actually delivers impact: Fast Track Impact
  • Spirit Guidelines on patient reported outcomes in clinical trial protocols 

Regulatory News

Call for MPEs and CREs to register to become HRA Radiation Assurance Reviewers with expertise in one or more of the following modalities/clinical specialisms:

  • Radiology
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Radiotherapy
  • Oncology
  • Paediatrics

Read more here

Details of all 6 e-learning modules from the HRA are available. Modules include:

  • Medical Devices
  • Use of the HRA Schedule of Events
  • Research involving participants lacking mental capacity
  • Research involving exposure to ionising radiation
  • Research involving human tissue
  • Confidentiality and information governance consideration in research

Read eLearning Modules here

NEW GDPR operational guidance from the HRA

The HRA has published detailed guidance about operational arrangements that researchers and organisations may need to put in place.

The guidance is published as a living document that will be updated over the coming weeks.

Other News

Award celebrating patient and public participation in mental health research. NIHR CRN, McPin Foundation & MQ Transforming Mental Health

Mental health researchers who place emphasis on patient, public and carer involvement within their studies are encouraged to apply for a national award which celebrates the vital role that service users and the public have to play in shaping and improving health studies. Read more

2nd edition of the Patient Ambassador Initiative News with opportunities and resources for Patient Research Ambassadors

Make a PPI Pledge

Follow Louise Wood, Simon Denegri, Forum members and others, and make a positive commitment to improving involvement in all that you do Sign a PPI pledge here

Clinical Trial training for Investigators: the NW Clinical Trials Collaborative. This course is aimed at health and research professionals, particularly those aiming to become Chief Investigators. Read more here

MRC funding opportunities

NIHR funding: All the latest NIHR funding opportunities

Health & Care Research Wales Funding: All 2018 funding schemes

Latest Jobs

See all the latest job postings

Are you recruiting? Do you want to reach the best candidates for your role? Submit your vacancies and the team will also tweet them and post to Linkedin

Please share your events, successes, activities, jobs, resources and and thoughts via the Forum by sending them to

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