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Recent Forum Activities

Date: 20 September 2019

In addition to the consultation responses on PIC and Transparency and the community survey, the following work has been ongoing over the summer.

Members of the Executive committee met with Dr Louise Wood, Director of research & Evidence at DHSC, to share updates from the Forum and to discuss priorities, which we shall take to our working groups. A teleconference was held with Lindsey Hughes Deputy Director of Research at NHS England and NHS Improvement and updates on the CCR project were discussed. You can read more about the CCR project in the policy update.

Written feedback was provided to the Royal College of Physicians to help shape their ongoing support for research in NHS organisations and input was given to the CRN NHS Engagement team working to prepare NHS Trusts on being a well-led research active organisation.

Forum Executive group member Virginia Minogue, and Bill Wells from Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust, published a blog in the BMJopinion following their work on research waste “Patients and the public are essential to reducing research waste”

AcoRD training was delivered to Wales and much planning took place for our ongoing professional development programme. Members worked with the MHRA to consider contracts being used for homecare nurses, and attended the MHRA GCP non-commercial symposium, with great insights from inspectors and networking opportunities; the slides are now in the resources exchange.

The Forum was represented at the multi-stakeholder non-commercial costings group, CCR advisory group, HRA Sponsors reference group and UKRD/ Forum R&D finance workstream. The Forum research management working group met and discussed a number of hot topics including their work programme and impact. The evidence workstream is planning a one day face to face meeting and work has begun on improvements to the Forum website

If you would like to get involved or you have something you would like members to share with stakeholders please get in touch with Kate via

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