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Forum activity during October

Date: 1 November 2019

This month representatives of the NHS R&D Forum:

  • Held embedding research through strategy, leadership & culture symposium.
  • Developed the first draft of the updated Forum website
  • Input into NIHR Well-led guide
  • Took part in MHRA/HRA/Forum teleconference about home care nurses and contractual agreements with PI site & supporting solutions
  • Provided Primary Care feedback on ETCs and the SoECAT to NHSE&I
  • Drafted a letter to DHSC on the impact of CCGs merger on RCF funding for CCGS
  • Represented Research Management at National ATMP infrastructure & governance group
  • Reviewed a document developed by the RCP
  • Attended a workshop for the HRA
  • Took part in NHSE ETC feedback group
  • Attended CCR project advisory group & suggested webinars
  • Held group meetings for Evidence for commissioning, conference planning, service users and carers, Primary care & Commissioning, & non-commercial sponsors groups.
  • Presented at HRA champions
  • Presented the NHS R&D Forum CDA guide, joint position statement and tools taken to 4 nations contracting group and agreed next steps
  • Initiated the set up of a contracts community of practice and lead group. If you are a contracts manager and interested in this group please contact Olivia Chalwin via



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