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NEW NIHR campaign – Your Path in Research

Date: 1 November 2019

Evidence shows that research active trusts have improved outcomes for patients, as well as improved staff morale, recruitment and retention. To support improved patient outcomes there is a need for health and care professionals to become more involved in research and expand their knowledge. The NIHR has recently announced the start of an exciting new campaign, Your Path in Research, which aims to inspire healthcare professionals to get more involved in research.

Your Path in Research recognises that everyone providing or supporting care in the NHS uses clinical research, but not everyone is aware of how to incorporate it on a daily basis.

This new campaign will give health and care professionals an opportunity to learn more about the research that can directly impact their everyday work, by highlighting a variety of ways they can take their first or next step in their research career.  Follow the campaign and get involved via NIHR social media channels.

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