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Research leadership opportunities for nurses

Date: 26 February 2024

As part of the NIHR initiative to promote research opportunities for nurses and midwives, the CRN Trauma and Emergency Care (TEC) Specialty Group hosted a meeting to explore the new landscape. Ruth Endacott, NIHR Director of Nursing and Midwifery, kindly set the scene with a presentation about research support for nurses and new funding streams. Heather Jarman, Research Director for nurses, midwives, and AHP at St George’s Hospital and Alan Charters, Consultant Practitioner Paediatric Emergency Care in Portsmouth, provided practical examples of how frontline nursing staff can be involved in NIHR portfolio research. This was followed by a discussion of how the NIHR can support new Principal Investigators from a nursing background.

Two new trials on the TEC portfolio are actively looking for nurses to act as Principal Investigators:

The DRAFT3 trial compares splints versus casts for patients with a fracture of the distal radius. Advanced Care Practitioners in the Emergency Department are leading this study.

WHiTE14: PRESSURE3 trial is looking at pressure sore prevention in patients with a hip fracture. Nurses on the trauma wards are leading this study.

Please raise awareness of these opportunities for nurses to get involved in leading and delivering studies by reaching out to your colleagues and sharing widely.

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