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Research and Development Forum Survey on training needs

Date: 26 February 2024

The R&D Forum has provided training for a number of years. Our courses are written by experts on the subject, have often been developed and delivered by members of the R&D Forum community, and the catalogue is to a greater extent driven by you, the members.

The Executive Team have been looking at the provision, and feel that it is timely to review, and to scope the training available from other providers.  We have had conversations with a number of providers about partnerships and a much more collaborative approach to training provision, along with addressing the gaps.

To this end, we’d like to ask you what you need. Please would you complete the following short survey and let us know if you’d be willing to join a Task and Finish Group to develop the strategic direction of the R&D Forum Training provision for the future.

To complete the survey:

This survey will be open until the 21st March 2024. If you are interested in joining the Task and Finish Group please email

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