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Community engagement Pilot programme

Date: 24 April 2024

The Clinical Research Network (CRN) has developed a training program on Community Engagement in Health and Care Research. This training aims to provide practical guidance and tools for staff involved in health and care research who are either already engaging with communities, or interested in engaging with communities in their work.

The training program was developed with input from a working group consisting of CRN Coordinating Centre (CRNCC) – now the Research Delivery Network Coordinating Centre (RDNCC) – and Local Clinical Research Network (LCRN) staff, as well as Community Champions.

In October 2023, the CRNCC piloted the training with 81 staff members from 5 LCRNs to assess its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.

The evaluation of the training program focused on various aspects, including knowledge of community engagement, confidence in incorporating community engagement into their work, and access to community engagement tools. Overall, there were significant improvements in all these areas following the training.

Based on feedback received, enhancements have been made to the training resources and layout, which will be reflected in future training sessions.

The program is planned to be more widely implemented in late 2024.

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