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NHS England has published Managing Research Finance in the NHS

Date: 24 April 2024

The NHS is a world leader for research and innovation in healthcare. Research gives patients and clinical teams access to new technologies and treatments. Research active hospitals have better patient outcomes, greater staff retention and benefit financially.

NHS England have published Managing Research Finance in the NHS. A how to guide on managing finances associated with commercial and non-commercial research.

Good financial management is a key part of effective delivery of research in the NHS and this guide provides practical information on costing research and the use of income generated by research to support building research capacity and capability. The guide includes lots of real-world examples across a range of organisation types in primary, community and secondary care.

The RDF/UKRD Finance Working Group provided valuable insights and experience into this document, which we hope will be of benefit to the community.

Research is a vital part of NHS care, it can lead to life-changing treatments, vaccines and medicines. This guide will help your organisation and the populations you serve get the most from research.

View the guide here

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