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New process for Specialised Commissioned studies

Date: 2 July 2024

As of the 1st July, the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) will take on responsibility for administering and funding Excess Treatment Costs (ETCs) associated with research into services which are locally commissioned.

Due to this, any studies which are categorised as Specialised Commissioned from 1 July will be brought into the existing National ETC Payment System, and will be managed by the National Institute for Health and Care Research Research Delivery Network Coordinating Centre (NIHR RDNCC).

These studies will be treated in the same way as the existing Integrated Care Board studies and will be assigned one of 8 payment models as agreed with the Chief Investigator or Sponsor.

Specialised commissioned studies will now follow the same process and guidance as the National ETC Payments.

The NIHR RDNCC finance team will be in contact with any current studies that will be affected.

For further information, please contact ETC Helpdesk ( or see their website for more information.

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