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NIHR MOOCS (free online courses)

Date: 26 April 2021

The National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre runs three MOOCs (free online courses) on Futurelearn.

‘What is health research? Is a basic introduction to what health research is and covers different topics that anyone new to research may find interesting and informative. Sign up now to join the next run which starts on 21 June.

‘Improving Healthcare Through Clinical Research’. This course goes into more details about Clinical Research and the process of discovery. Sign up now to join the next run which starts on 24 May.

‘COVID-19:Understanding the Research Behind the Pandemic’ This course explores how the research community has developed vaccines and treatments for COVID-19 at speed in  response to the urgent health crisis resulting from the pandemic. Sign up from the 5th of May for the first run of the course which starts on the 17th May.

Each course has a Lead Educator and the Lead Educator is supported by a group of Mentors.

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