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UKCRF Symposium Invitation

Date: 13 October 2021

We would like to extend an invitation to this year’s UK Clinical Research Facility Symposium to NHS R&D Staff. This is a free online event taking place on the 5th November 2021 to provide an opportunity for us to reflect and learn from the challenges we faced during the pandemic, to celebrate our achievements and look ahead into future.

Event Theme

The COVID-19 pandemic has provided us with a unique opportunity to promote clinical research, improve collaborations and consider how we might adapt based on experiences from the last 18 months. The symposium will showcase the amazing work that CRFs have achieved; we will celebrate our success, reflect and learn from the challenges and consider how we can carry our success and collaborations into the future.

Key Speakers

Professor Lucy Chappell: Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department of Health and Social Care

Professor Ruth Endacott: NIHR Director for Nursing and Midwifery

Louise Knowles: Deputy Director of Research Faculty, Infrastructure and Growth for the Department of Health and Social Care

Helen Pidd: UKCRF Network Director and Operational Director at NIHR Manchester CRF

Professor Chris Newman: NIHR Sheffield CRF Director and member of the UKCRF Network Senior Management Team

Click here to view the full programme


Book your place at the conference please visit:

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