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Invitation to Launch Event for CNO Strategic Plan for Research – 22 November 2021

Date: 9 November 2021

Sent on behalf of Professor Alison Richardson, Head of Nursing Research – Academic Leadership and Strategy and Professor Joanne Cooper, Head of Nursing Research – Research Transformation: NHS England and NHS Improvement

Dear Colleague,

You are invited to attend the launch of the Chief Nursing Officer’s (CNO) Strategic Plan for Research, which will be a virtual event scheduled for Monday 22 November 2021, 9.50-11.20am.

The Chief Nursing Officer’s (CNO) Strategic Plan for Research has been developed on behalf of the CNO for England to embed the importance of nurse-related research capacity and capability within health and care. Research led by nurses for transformational change is central to the CNO’s long-term vision and integral to the COVID-19 response and recovery and the Long Term Plan.

At this event you will be introduced to the vision and areas of focus of the CNO strategic plan for research and hear from key stakeholders on its importance for benefiting the public and the profession.

The event is particularly relevant to:

  • nurses involved in the delivery of patient care and management of health and care services
  • clinical academics and research nurses working in health and care organisations
  • academics and researchers working in higher education institutions, including those supporting the development of nurses in academia
  • patient and public partners supporting research.

Colleagues from other disciplines are welcome to attend as we recognise components of the plan that impact on research in nursing also impact on the development of research in other professional groups.

You can register for the event here:

Please circulate this invitation to colleagues who may be interested.

If you have any queries, please email the CNO Research Team at

Best wishes,

Alison and Joanne

Professor Alison Richardson, Head of Nursing Research – Academic Leadership


Professor Joanne Cooper, Head of Nursing Research – Research Transformation

NHS England and NHS Improvement

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