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REMINDER: Use of the Non-commercial Portfolio Application service

Date: 25 May 2022

The Non-commercial Portfolio Application service was launched in August 2020 to improve the process of applying for NIHR CRN support and inclusion on the NIHR CRN Portfolio. It is currently open to:

  • English-led non-commercial Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMP) and combined IMP/Device trials; and
  • English-led non-commercial studies that do not require HRA Approval.

The service is being rolled out by the CRN in a phased manner, based on study type and in line with systems redevelopment and CRN ambition of a single entry point. It allows investigators to apply earlier and receive an eligibility decision sooner to benefit from the full range of support that our study support service offers.

But in order to maximise these benefits, researchers need to engage early and submit their Non-commercial Portfolio Application as soon as full research funding has been secured for the study. Delaying your CRN application until you are ready to apply for ethical and regulatory approval, may result in your study start date being impacted.

Further information is available on the NIHR website.

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