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Screening Log Guidelines – (SLoG) project

Date: 26 May 2022

Norwich Clinical Trials Unit have been awarded NIHR funding to look at a potential standardised model for screening data: who should be included and which data should be collected.

One aspect of this work is already underway, collecting views from those using screening logs via a survey, to understand current practice and shape the next stage of the project.

Further to this initial survey, we would like to engage with as many stakeholders as possible and use the Delphi Method to define and refine some national guidance on the use of screening logs, and hopefully produce an agreed screening log template.

As screening logs are relevant to lots of trials taking place within the NHS, we wonder whether there are any forum members who would like to participate in the Delphi rounds?

We don’t have a final plan yet (we’re still collecting and analysing the initial data), but ideally we’d be looking for one or two volunteers and would hope to be able to provide a small voucher of thanks for those who complete the Delphi rounds.

Please let us know if you would like to be involved or would like more information. Our dedicated email address for this work is

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