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Monthly Forum Working Group Update (May) – Research Communications Working Group

Date: 24 June 2022

Hello, my name is Rachael Dowling, Head of Research Communications at the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. I chair the NHS R&D Forum Research Communications Working Group, which formed in June 2021, and meets virtually every 2-3 months.  We are a group of around 60 members who hold communications and engagement roles in NHS organisations, NIHR infrastructure, regulatory bodies and other related organisations.

The group provides an excellent platform for members to share best practice, provide support and influence communications and engagement policies and campaigns.

Our current priorities are to:

  • Identify suitable KPIs for research communications that embed the work of our members into research design, delivery and dissemination
  • Strengthen the participant recruitment sections of ethics documents so that opportunities for volunteers to participate in studies are maximised
  • Review and draw together best practice guidance for plain English standards in participant-facing documents, leaflets and other materials

May has been an extremely busy month for us, with International Clinical Trials Day. We are also looking forward to celebrating #Red4Research on the 17th June!

New members are always welcome. Please email me on if you or a colleague wish to join the mailing list.

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