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Monthly Forum Working Group Update (March) – Training Programme Oversight Group

Date: 24 June 2022

My name is Allyson Bailey and I am the training lead for the NHS R&D Forum. I am also usually one of the R&D Officers for NHS Forth Valley, in Scotland, though at the moment I’m on secondment to the HRA.

I work with the help and advice of the Training Programme Oversight Group. We meet about 3 or 4 times a year, with virtual consultations in between if needed. Our remit is to develop the Forum’s training programme, decide on the priority subjects for developing new training (in consultation with the Executive Committee and the community), oversee the recruitment of new Course Leaders and review and sense-check new course materials. There is also a wider Training Group, made up of people with an interest in the training programme but who for one reason or another are unable to take an active role.

At the moment we have 3 courses in the pipeline, which we hope will be up and running before the end of the year:
Finance in the R&D office
Medical Devices

The group agreed that the next three to be developed should be:
Practical PPI
R&D office study management
Making sure your study works in the NHS

We welcome suggestions for new training subjects, as well as expressions of interest from anyone who would like to join either of the groups. We would also love to hear from anyone who would like to be a Course Leader or Trainer.  Please feel free to contact me via email

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