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New LCRN Geographical Configuration post 31st March 2024

Date: 24 June 2022

From April 2024, the 15 current Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRNs) will be replaced by 12 NIHR Regional Research Delivery Networks (RRDNs), each mapped onto the NHS England Regional Office boundaries and those of the Integrated Care Systems (ICSs) operating within the regions, also coterminous with most local authority boundaries.

This will provide even more focus on regional collaboration, influence and development with the local NHS and care system, to meet the needs of people within a region, while facilitating joint working with the NHS and ICSs. The NIHR Research Delivery Network will be led by the leaders of the RRDNs together with the National Coordinating Centre and DHSC.

A document setting out the details of the new geographical configuration can be found by clicking on link below. Six of the 15 current LCRNs will have substantial changes to their boundaries in the new NIHR RRDNs, but our LCRN in the NENC remains unchanged.

The selection process for organisations who will host the regional networks, after the current contracts expire in March 2024, will commence in October 2022. Further details will follow in the coming weeks. The process will be run by the NIHR Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre (CRNCC), on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). 

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