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CCG ETC National Payment System and ETC Helpdesk

Date: 24 June 2022

Since April 2020 it has been possible for CCG Excess Treatment Cost (ETC) payments to be made to organisations incurring the ETCs, whether or not these are the recruiting sites, by using one of eight payment models. The NIHR CRNCC Finance team manages these ETC payments on behalf of NHS England.

The steps are as follows:

  1. After the Sponsor/Chief Investigator (CI) and Lead LCRN have finalised the SoECAT and submitted it to CRNCC Triage, the CRNCC Triage team assigns a commissioner and informs the CRNCC Finance team of the outcome. Please contact with any queries about completion of the SoECAT or the Triage process.
  2. The CRNCC Finance team reviews each study where a CCG is the responsible commissioner and the ETCs are greater than £zero, and contacts the Sponsor and CI to recommend a payment model. The Sponsor or CI may wish to select a different model, or may wish to discuss the options with the CRNCC Finance team.
  3. The Sponsor is asked to confirm their acceptance of the agreed payment model and provide any additional information, such as site names, ODS codes or payment ratios, if this is required.
  4. CCG ETC payments are calculated every financial quarter, using the recruitment recorded and confirmed on CPMS by the NIHR quarterly data cut deadlines, and are made twice-yearly, at Q2 and Q4, to the LCRNs. ETC payments are subject to any provider thresholds set by NHS England or the Minimum Payment Trigger applicable to primary care providers.
  5. The LCRNs forward the CCG ETC payments to the agreed recipient organisations.

The Lead LCRN for a study will be copied into correspondence from the CRNCC Finance team to the Sponsor/CI regarding the payment model. However, R&D offices are reminded that LCRNs may not have full knowledge of ETCs, the payment models or the payments process. If you have any questions about ETCs, please contact the ETC Helpdesk directly via

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