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Non-Commercial Sponsors Online Survey 2022

Date: 25 August 2022

The NHS R&D Forum Non-Commercial Sponsors Reference Group conducted a survey in 2010 about sponsorship fees and published a paper including information around what fees NHS Organisations were being charged and what models were is use.

There have been many changes since then and the NHS R&D Forum have decided to repeat this survey, with the inclusion of some additional questions.

The NHS R&D Forum will publish the findings of this survey via the newsletter, R&D Website and Working Groups.

Any feedback you can provide will ensure we are aware of current issues in the community around sponsorship. It will take no more than 10-15 minutes to complete the survey.

For info: The survey consists of 25 questions, the survey is routed so if you answer so to question 5. “Do you charge a fee for sponsor activities?” the questions asking for detail about fee amounts are skipped and there is a reduction in the number of questions (8 questions) available to answer.

We very much appreciate you taking the time to complete the questions as best you can. If there are any questions that you are unable to answer, or prefer not to, just leave blank or answer N/A and move onto the next question. Please cascade with other colleagues who are involved in the sponsorship process, as we want to obtain as many responses as possible to ensure all the R&D community have an opportunity to have their say.

To complete the survey, please click the link below.  The survey is open until the 9th September 2022. 

If you have any questions, please contact:

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