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The ARMA Working Group on Secondments – Virtual Roundtables

Date: 29 November 2022

he ARMA Working Group on Secondments has been talking to a number of senior people over the past few weeks in preparation for holding two virtual roundtables at the beginning of 2023.

The roundtables will be run to help get a better understanding at a senior level of strategic and high-level operational issues around seconding staff between institutions for development purposes. Each roundtable will be small (approximately 10 attendees) and be facilitated by two of the ARMA Working Group on Secondments.

At each roundtable the following questions will be discussed:

1) What is your experience of cross institution secondments / how do secondments figure in your staff development plans?

2) What are the barriers and enablers to secondments from your point of view?

3) What one thing would you change, in order to move forward and make external secondments more feasible and accessible?

For more information on the Working Group, click link below.

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