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Research Study Title: Diversity and Inclusion in Clinical Research: Using the Diversity Site Assessment Tool (DSAT) to better understand knowledge and best Practices to meet the needs of a diverse UK population (RESPECT)

Date: 20 December 2022

The team at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust would like to invite you to participate in a cross-sectional study they are carrying out across all clinical research sites to assess site diversity, to promote patient diversity awareness and inclusion in clinical trials and other research studies in the UK population. The study team aim to develop a better understanding of the knowledge, expertise and best practices of patient diversity awareness at UK Clinical research sites, and to meet the needs of a diverse UK population using the Diversity Site Assessment Tool (DSAT).

To find out more, click link below.

If you have further questions and would like to get in touch with the study team, please contact:

Please note: We recommend local R&D teams undertake a governance review before they cascade to staff.

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