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Updated RCF guidance for ICBs

Date: 26 June 2023

What are the priorities for use of RCF (Research Capability Funding)?

The primary use of RCF in England is to help the NHS to retain research active staff, who are between grants, and support staff. The next call on RCF is to meet unfunded indirect costs of research.

NHS organisations in receipt of NIHR income based RCF are also expected to use the funding strategically in support of their R&D strategy; it can facilitate success in attracting NIHR research grants and other funding, leading to future allocation of RCF – a virtuous circle.

Some NHS organisations that receive recruitment based RCF may not possess a formal R&D strategy, but they should still use the allocation in line with this guidance. For ICBs in receipt of recruitment based RCF, this will usually mean that the best use of the RCF allocation is to support and maintain research capacity at general practice level.

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