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NHS Scotland National Screening Research and Innovation Group (RIG)

Date: 26 June 2023

The Research and Innovation Group (RIG) was commissioned by NHS Scotland’s National Screening Oversight function to strengthen research and innovation across screening programmes in Scotland. Previously, screening research proposals had been managed on an ad-hoc basis with varying approaches taken to approving and participating in projects. RIG brings together a wealth of knowledge and insight from across the screening research community and membership includes representation from each of the national screening programmes, NHS National Services Scotland, Public Health Scotland, NHS territorial health boards, Academic institutions and the Chief Scientist Office. RIG will work closely with service delivery partners and academic organisations to identify the areas of screening that can benefit most from research efforts.

With the formation of RIG, all research proposals involving Scotland’s screening programmes should now be submitted to the National Screening Oversight Research and Innovation Group as the first step in the research pathway. Investigators should submit proposals to the RIG mailbox for assessment, before approaching other approvers. RIG will consider how well a proposal addresses the current screening research priorities and assess any potential impact the research may have on the operation of existing Screening Programmes.

The group is currently chaired by Professor Bob Steele, former Chair of UK National Screening Committee, and Professor Katie Robb from the University of Glasgow is acting as Vice Chair.

For more information on RIG, and to download an application form, please visit the NSS website. Alternatively, you can contact RIG direct via: nss.nsoresearch&

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