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‘Go Live’ of new national CCG ETC Payment System

Date: 25 February 2021

The NIHR CRN Coordinating Centre (CRNCC) is pleased to confirm that the new national payment system for CCG Excess Treatment Costs (ETCs) is now live and DHSC has been asked to make the 2020/21 Q1 and Q2 payments to the Local Clinical Research Networks (LCRNs) for onward payment to sites.

Over the last year, the CRNCC has been developing a process in which CCG ETC payments can be distributed to named sites incurring the costs, rather than the recruiting sites listed in CPMS. As a result, this will reduce both the administrative burden and the requirement to have local arrangements in place to transfer payments between sites. As part of this “Phase II” project, a decision tree is used to determine which of eight new payment models should be applied.

Once the Sponsor and Chief Investigator for each study on the CRN Portfolio which incurs CCG ETCs (c250+ studies) has agreed to the payment model, all site and ratio information is thoroughly checked and uploaded to a database which communicates with the NIHR Open Data Platform (ODP). The CCG ETC payments are then calculated, based on confirmed recruitment and the ETC Per Patient Value recorded in CPMS at the time of the quarterly datacuts, and payment schedules produced which take Provider Thresholds and Minimum Payment Triggers into account.

We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in the development of this new national payment system, and to all sites which receive CCG ETC payments for your patience whilst the  system was developed.

If you have any questions regarding the CCG ETC national payment system, please contact the ETC Helpdesk via



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