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Department of Health and Social Care: EU Exit Update

Date: 2 July 2019

Please see a Joint Written Ministerial Statement from David Lidington MP here outlining the steps being taken by government around freight capacity procurement in the event the UK exits the EU without a deal on 31st October.

Also find below correspondence from DHSC Commercial Director Steve Oldfield sent to suppliers of medicines and medical devices and clinical consumables. This communication provides additional information that you might find useful, including guidance around securing additional freight capacity, warehousing and the National Supply and Disruption Response. Please note that for clinical trial supplies, our position has not change since our communication of 26th March:

Organisations running clinical trials and clinical investigations in the UK should consider their supply chains for supplies (including Investigational Medicinal Products, devices/in-vitro diagnostics devices, advanced therapy medicinal products, radioisotopes and other clinical consumables) to ensure appropriate arrangements are in place to assure supplies in the event of any possible border delays.

A story has also been published on, which includes links to the Written Ministerial Statement and letter to suppliers.

Please also find below a letter from Stephen Hammond, Minister of State for Health at the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), sent to all MPs and Peers.

The letter provides further detail on DHSC plans to support the continuity of medicines, medical products and clinical trial supplies into the UK in the event of a no-deal exit

We appreciate that you may also receive these communications via another route, in which case we apologise for any inconvenience.

If you have any further questions, please contact

  • letter from Stephen Hammond MP
  • DHSC Supplier letter from Steve Oldfield

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