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April Newsletter 2019

Date: 2 May 2019

2019 NHS R&D Forum Annual Conference
An amazing conference with nearly 600 members of the community gathered together to share and learn. A first evening of networking with Acadami Wales put us in a happy place, looking at how to overcome our learned behaviours to know that happiness breed’s success and not the other way around.

A mix of wonderful powerful plenary sessions took us immediately into why we are all doing the job we do. An impassioned call from Jess Mills made in memory of her mother Dame Tessa Jowell for us all to work together towards adaptive personalised treatment and care equally accessible to all. Louise Wood and Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery followed, bringing not only the policy and regulatory perspectives but also shared stories and thoughtful insights into why we are all committed to improving the impact of research for our loved ones and “creating the evidence to enable people to be born well, live well and die well”.

Fantastic presentations on future policy, strategic aims and enablers of good research got us thinking about making research easier and more transparent with Juliet Tizzard, Andrew Lotery and Indra Joshi taking us firmly from the comfort of our RCTS into the possible world of AI; everyone was transfixed by the potential for future patients. The first day was rounded off with a real treat, listening to the extraordinary career of Dame Fiona Caldicott sharing her leadership challenges and tips, in conversation with Prof Sir Jonathan Montgomery.

As always the presentations from R&D teams across the UK stimulated much discussion and thank you to everyone who submitted abstracts for sharing.

There are too many highlights and people to thank to share here but you can read all the presentations online, follow insights on Twitter at #RDF19 and view all the photos too.

At the very end of Day 2 Philip Darbyshire entertained us with a high-energy call to action and a striking closing remark that has been evident throughout the conference and subsequent events since, including international clinical trials day and the #whywedoresearch tweetfest. “There is an awful lot of support for research in health across the UK” and we are lucky for it. Thank you all for your contribution.”

Congratulations to all award winners – see who are they are here
Forum Review 19
We are pleased to publish the Forum Review 2019, sharing all the hard work and commitment of member’s activities throughout the year.

Our work together involves service users and carers and is undertaken in the following themes:

1Research strategy, leadership & culture: for the NHS, patients, health & care
2Managing research well: for quality research
3: Enabling high value, impactful R&D: for evidence & improvement
4: Professionalisation & value of the workforce: for our community

Read the full Review here

Forum Symposia Series – new dates announced
Back by popular demand the Symposia are running again to connect members of the community in key topics of interest and to enable the ongoing sharing of practice. We will open bookings shortly for:

Embedding Research a Healthcare Setting 9th October 2019, London

Non-Commercial Sponsors 19th November 2019Birmingham NEC

Research not as we know it: Managing novel methods in Research
2nd March 2020, London

Keep an eye on the Forum website where bookings will open soon

Professional Learning & Development

Places still available on the following courses running in June.

Archiving Masterclass 13th June, London

An excellent course providing expert insight into the practicalities of research archiving procedures. Developed to support Research management teams with their processes for archiving this course is for anyone who has responsibility for archiving research in their organisation. Whether you are a named archivist or part of a team with delegated responsibility we hope that you will find this course useful. As with all Forum activities it is also a valuable opportunity to meet with your colleagues from across the country to discuss challenges and solutions.

Click here for further information & booking

Local Capacity and Capability for Research 24th June, London

Understand the requirements of an NHS organisation when determining whether to take part in a particular research study as a host. This course explains the principles of good study set up, the information required by the R&D office and where it can be obtained. It introduces delegates to the various systems and documents associated with research and also provides some guidance on developing relationships with key support departments and stakeholders within an NHS organisation.

The first half of the day concentrates on making delegates familiar with process. The second half is spent putting everything into practice working through an example study.

Click here for further information & booking

Regulatory Inspection Ready 25th June, London

This course is aimed at those who deliver research in a healthcare setting either in a Sponsor team or as a Host, and that maybe subject to regulatory inspection. Preparation for Inspection is critical but compliance driven from preparation rather than from quality systems can lead to poor practice and Inspection findings.

Click here for further information & booking

Forum courses ‘in-house’ 
All courses on the Forum programme can be tailored to serve local needs and settings. If you would like a course delivered in your organisation please contact

This month members are:

  • Supporting work around amendments, testing developments with the HRA
  • Supporting learning from CQC inspection
  • Hearing about the work of the RCP
  • Presenting at meetings, delivering training and developing our symposia
  • Continuing to drive our work on CDAs, Sponsorship and adding value in research
  • Reviewing the strategic landscape and considering our priorities as a workforce and for research.

If you have something to contribute please get in touch via

Monthly meetings coming up
This month Forum members  are attending or running the following meetings on behalf of the Community.

5th June: Forum Primary Care & Commissioning Working Group
5th June: Forum Evidence for Commissioning Group
5th June: Commercial clinical operations group (cCOG)
6th June: Forum Research Management Working Group
13th June: Forum Learning & Development Oversight Group TC
14th June: Informal Learning Group (HRA, NIHRCRN, MRC, NHS R&D FORUM)
20th June: Excess Treatment Costs Feedback Group
21st June: Commercial Contract Research Advisory Group
26th June: Forum Research Strategy & Leadership Working Group

Contact if you have something you would like them to feedback or include on the agenda for discussion with stakeholders

Survey reveals NHS research & innovation priorities 

The AHSN network, NHS England and the NIHR have published the results of a survey to look at NHS research & innovation priorities. This is an important read and a fundamental enabling role for Research management and leadership teams.

Click here for further information

Details of the new UK Local Information Pack: to be launched 5th June

A UK Local Information Packwill be introduced on the 5 June 2019 to support the set-up of NHS / HSC research in the UKResearchers working with NHS / HSC organisations across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales will benefit from a consistent package to support study set-up and delivery across the UK.

Read more about the pack including llnks to the new Organisational Information Document here.

RCP launches “Delivering research for all: expectations and aspirations for the NHS in England”

The RCP has launched the statement ‘delivering research for all: expectations and aspirations for the NHS in England’.

Click here for further information

This statement follows previous work, including our joint publication ‘Research for all. Best practice in research management’ which you can read here. Members of the Forum shall be working with the RCP to support them in this work in order to enable NHS organisations to embed research well.

Launch of new interactive costing tool for Industry

The NIHR has launched a new web-based costing tool for industry – which will enable faster and more efficient costing and contracting between the life sciences sector and the NHS during the study set-up phase. The new interactive Costing Tool (iCT) is now available as a module within CPMS – NIHR’s research activity data management system. It includes a number of major improvements over the previous Excel-based version of the costing template.

Click here for further information

Roll out of Single Contract Review Process

Use of the NIHR’s new interactive Costing Tool (iCT) underpins rollout of the single contract review process for commercial contract research, which is being led by NHS England and NHS Improvement, in partnership with NIHR and the Health Research Authority. The first phase of implementation is now underway, with multiple volunteer national coordinators from participating sites conducting an enhanced validation on a single study.

Click here for further information

Resource Exchange
Many resources, links and tools were shared at the conference. Please remember to submit them for others to see! You can submit them directly here.

View the latest additions to the Resource Exchange here

#whywedoresearch Tweetfest 2019 & ICTD

The fantastic #whywedoresearch Tweetfest has been covering 2 weeks worth of brilliant topics all exploring why or how we do research. Follow the conversations on twitter and see all the great work undertaken by other R&D departments and organisations for International clinical Trials day. #ICTD

Clinical Academic Research Partnerships 

This scheme provides a new flexible route for research-qualified NHS consultants to increase their research skills and experience. See here for funding available.

Calls from the R&D Community
NIHR Funding Opportunities 

Health & Care Research Wales Funding Opportunities 

CI training

Do members have specific training packages in place for new Chief Investigators or research fellows acting in support? Do you use particular trainers/course providers? Please contact with any insights or examples for collation

Recommendations for SOPs review

Do members have any recommendations for individuals, consultancy or companies who might provide a SOPS update and gap analysis? Please contact with any names, contact details and experience.
Latest Jobs
View the latest jobs online – see here.

Please submit your latest vacancies and we will also tweet them out.

Click for more information

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