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HRA Radiation Assurance Phase 3 reviewer recruitment open

Date: 4 September 2019

Following the success of Phases 1 and 2 of Radiation Assurance, the HRA are inviting further Medical Physics Experts (MPEs) and Clinical Radiation Experts (CREs) to become registered reviewers in preparation for the launch of Phase 3. Their previous phases accepted studies involving cardiology, rheumatology and neurology, as well as all oncology studies taking place in the NHS.

During Phase 3, all other studies involving ionising radiation taking place in the NHS will be accepted. This will be the final phase of rollout prior to Radiation Assurance being integrated as part of HRA and HCRW Approval.

As the HRA is widening their study acceptance criteria, they are strongly encouraging CREs and MPEs with the relevant experience to register to review applications through Radiation Assurance. Applications from CREs are particularly welcomed. Benefits to being CREs and MPEs registered with the HRA include:

  • supporting research taking place in the NHS;
  • undertaking a professional role supporting a UK-wide process
  • contributing to improved healthcare in the UK.
  • training on the Radiation Assurance process;
  • their employer being provided with a standardised fee of £500 + VAT for new study reviews and £250 + VAT for amendment reviews (England, Northern Ireland and Wales only. Separate arrangements apply for reviewers based in Scotland);
  • CREs registered with the Royal College of Radiologists being able to claim one CPD point for every review they complete through Radiation Assurance.

Information on how to apply to become a registered reviewer is available on the HRA’s website. The launch date for Phase 3 will be confirmed as soon as they have enough reviewers registered to provide a continued good service.

Organisations which sponsor research should use this opportunity to ensure that Radiation Assurance fees are included in their grant applications. Further information on calculating how much Radiation Assurance costs is available in the Payments Framework Guidance on the HRA website.

If you have any queries please contact the technical assurance team at

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