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HR Good Practice Resource Pack update

Date: 9 April 2019

HR Good Practice Pack: GDPR update and move to IRAS Help website

The HR Good Practice Resource Pack has been reviewed and updated in light of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which came into force in the UK on 25 May 2018.  At the same time the pack has moved from the NIHR website to the Research Passport Section of IRAS Help.

The changes are:

– A Transparency Notice has been drawn up and is included in the HR Good Practice Pack. This informs and clarifies to the applicant the purpose of collecting their personal data , their rights relating to data processing, as well as fulfilling other GDPR transparency requirements.

– The data requested in the Research Passport application form has been minimised following discussion with Data Protection and Information Governance Officers and Human Resource experts.

– All references to the Data Protection Act 1998 have been updated to DPA 2018.

Please ensure that colleagues in HR departments and are made aware of the update and change of location.

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