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July Newsletter

Date: 25 July 2018

Welcome to our JULY Forum News






Did you know? Our Vision is:

Excellence in research management, support and leadership for high value research and for improved health and care.

We aim to lead, shape, help connect & thrive; acting together as a professional network and community of practice.

If you want to feed in, start a virtual group on a topic, or get involved contact

Adding Value in Research: A Framework for Organisations

We have published the summary of the NIHR adding value in research NHS R&D Forum workshop and conference presentations.

The workshop aimed to influence the NIHR AViR model and the conference presented a revised framework modeled from an organisational perspective. At the conference we discussed developing as a profession to enable high value research. Both workshop and conference slides are available here.

  • Summary
  • Morning Slides
  • Afternoon Slides
  • Conference Slides

6 pillars are recommended for enabling high value research in a health and care setting. They are:

  1. Relevant research
  2. Appropriate design
  3. Appropriate and efficient delivery
  4. Accessible & usable
  5. Valued
  6. Enabled workforce culture & development

Next steps are planned to develop the model further into a practical framework with guidance for teams.

New processes for the management of ETCS in England and single contract review for commercial research

NHS England is working with the NIHR and partners in their response to managing Excess Treatment Costs in non-commercial research: Outcome of the National Consultation.

From October 1st the new process will begin a trial period and will be rolled out in full by April 2018.

Members of the Forum are developing a briefing note to support understanding around this new and developing process.

Members are also part of a multi-stakeholder group shaping the development of a single contract review.

In the meantime further information can be found on the NIHR website

Whilst the buzz is still alive from the 2018 Annual Conference at Celtic Manor we are in full swing with RDF19. We are thrilled to say Premium Sponsorship is already sold out and Exhibition Zone A is also now sold out. There are some sponsorship options still available and exhibition stands are being sold in Zones B1, B2 and C.

See the Sponsorship & Exhibitor opportunities here

The Programme Content Group will be meeting over the summer to discuss the plenary sessions and finalise the Abstract Submission Guidelines. The Group welcomes news members to join them. All meetings are held via teleconference to focus on the speakers, abstract and poster review. If you would like to take part please email:

Professional Learning and Development

How to be a well-led research active organisation for high value research

October 10th 2018, Birmingham

Are you responsible for leading research in your organisation? Do you report to the Board and build partnerships for research? Are you interested in how to create a thriving high value research strategy and culture?

This small symposium is designed to bring research management teams together with a breadth of speakers to explore what success and being well led looks like from a health research perspective. It is for all types of organisation.

Keynote speakers will discuss perspectives in leadership, and members will hear case studies and strategies for research with colleagues from across the community.

This is an opportunity for Forum members to link in with others and find space to discuss challenges as well as successes alike.

See here for the Agenda and the booking link

Non-Commercial Research Sponsors Symposium for Health & Care

How to be a good, competent Sponsor

November 8th 2018, London

Being a research Sponsor is a broad and evolving role, bringing responsibility and accountability with very little formal training or opportunity to share practice.

This meeting, we hope, is the beginning of a Sponsors community that will meet on annual basis to share expertise, challenges and develop learning.

This first symposium we will focus on relationships and what it looks like to be a good Sponsor from various perspectives. We will bring you together with policy makers, regulators, sites, researchers and patients to work through what good might look like, and to address current hot topics.

Bookings are open now with limited spaces. Click here for further details and to book

A Practical Application of Monitoring in a Health Care Setting

1st & 2nd October, Manchester:

For study monitors, facilitators, research nurses, practitioners, sponsors and QA teams.

Oversight is a fundamental Sponsors responsibility and monitoring plays an important role in ensuring quality control.

Host organisations will also benefit from working through dummy study files, essential documents and pharmacy files. All will leave with practical understanding of how to undertaken risk-assessment and monitor well.

For further details and to book click here

Improved, new look ‘Essentials of NHS Research’

15th – 16th October 2018, London:

For all levels of role new to a health care R&D department, as well as colleagues in industry, academia and third sector that would like to better understand managing NHS Research.

This course, previously the basics, always gets fabulous feedback but consistently members would let us know it really wasn’t basic!

Our Forum course leader has now updated the material to be a whole new look package of essentials for anyone looking for a complete overview.

Content covers, understanding the landscape, policy, regulation, patient & public involvement, roles of R&D, capacity & capability, costing, AcoRD, contracts, safety, data, oversight, impact and strategy.

For further details and to book click here

Forum courses ‘in-house’

All courses can be tailored to serve local needs and settings. If you would like a course delivered in your organisation please contact

Congratulations and thank you to all NHS organisations for contributing to improvement in research activity.

The NIHR have published their 2017 league tables to show a phenomenal 725,000 have received access to better treatments and care during 2017/18, the highest number since records began.

New Blog – The Whitehouse Report; Executive summary, model and reflections 

By Claire L. Whitehouse (@ClaireW_UK) & Hazel A. Smith (@smithhazelann)

The Whitehouse report is a review of Research Nursing and Midwifery across the UK and Ireland in 2017.

In this fantastic new blog, written for the Forum, authors Claire Whitehouse & Hazel Smith report on their work sharing lessons learned and reflections.

Calls from the community

Members have requested examples of the following. If you have any good examples to share in the resources exchange please send to

  • Please send any SOPS, worksflows, process maps or descriptions of what you do to conduct commercial study set up and contract negotiation
  • Policies and procedures for research finance and VAT
  • Example subcontract or SLA, for subcontracting provider services when hosting studies
  • Any ‘good’ job descriptions at band 7 and band 6 for any R&I office roles.

Communications Professional for Research?

Do you have a dedicated member of your team for promoting research and research communications, or are you a research communications professional? We are looking to see how many there are!

If you are happy to let us know and be added to a mailing list, get in touch, by contacting: or tweet to @NHSRDFORUM

The HRA have published their annual report. Read their progress here 

In the meantime further information can be found on the NIHR website

‘International Perspectives on Evaluation of PPI in Research’

Thursday 15th and Friday 16th November, 2018.

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Closing date for abstract submissions is Tuesday 31st July.

The conference will provide an international platform to critically explore and reflect on the issue of evaluation of patient and public involvement in research. Abstracts for oral, poster and workshop presentations for this conference are being accepted until the 31st July. Read more here








CRN HLO Survey: opportunity to review & refresh.

The NIHR CRN High Level Objectives (HLOs) were developed in collaboration with DHSC in April 2010. The HLOs have been fundamental in increasing the opportunities for our population to access research, speed up the approval process for research and deliver studies faster, therefore, improving the outcomes for our patients as well as offering patients access to new novel treatments with our collaborations with Industry.

The DHSC have indicated they are willing to consider NIHR CRN’s recommendations for a “review and refresh” of the HLOs to ensure they are still meeting the needs of the population. In response to this, the NIHR CRN wishes to undertake a consultation with LCRNs, their local partners and other key stakeholders, via local discussions and completion of an online survey.

The survey will run from 9 July 2018 to 20 August 2018 and will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete.

A link to the survey along with additional information can be found on the HLO Review Hub site

Nominate your research hero in celebration of NHS70

The NIHR we have been recognising the valued contribution of NHS staff to health research.

If there’s an NHS colleague you would like to thank, you can post a photo of yourself on social media with our #MyResearchHero social media board

If you want to request help from the Forum community or working groups or f you have something to say on a topic, email



A practical, interactive guide is suitable for those working at all levels in the NHS, from ward to board, and will show you how to make better use of your data.

Four principles to make evidence synthesis more useful for policy  

NHS Improvement Making data count,

Slides from the MHRA Stakeholder Event can be obtained on request from

Please send in your tools, resources and helpful links. You can upload them directly or send to Just one resource from every organisation would really make a difference and help to keep us all current

A selection of great blogs

Why study registration is important for the future of research. Dr Matt Westmore

Research Waste and ensuring transparency Juliet Tizzard

Evidence and good research: Jonathan Montogmery

Patient powered research?: Recognising the power of lived experience in health research. Dr. Bella Starling

What might impact look like for PPI: Derek Stewart

From Coventry and Warwickshire University Hospitals Research and Development Summit 2018 #rdsummit2018 @UHCW_RandD @nhsuhcw

NIHR Applied Research Collaborations  (NIHR  ARCS)

Application dates: 01 June 2018 to 20 August 2018

2017 league tables

NIHR is launching a new, single-stage, open competition to designate and fund NIHR Applied Research Collaborations (NIHR ARCs).

The new ARC funding and support is for applied health and care research and to support implementation of research into practice, making tangible improvements for patients, the public and to health and care services.

NHS organisations or providers of NHS services in England, acting on behalf of a collaboration of the local providers of NHS services, local providers of care services, NHS commissioners, local authorities, other relevant local health and care organisations, the relevant Academic Health Science Network (AHSN) and the local University(ies) are eligible to apply.

NIHR to launch £3million senior nurse and midwife research programme

NHS England Improvement Fundamentals: A brand new, free online course for those involved in health and social care has been launched. The course is made up of bite-sized mini courses running from 16th-20th July and take you through the preparation and delivery of an improvement within your workplace step-by-step.

Save the Date for Health & Care Research Wales Conference 2018

Theme: Future-proofing research in Wales #ResearchWales18

NIHR funding awards

Latest Jobs 

There are lots of new jobs this month. Please submit your latest vacancies and we will also tweet them out.

The professional network for research management, support & leadership in health & care

Please share your events, successes, activities, jobs, resources and and thoughts via the Forum by sending them to


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