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HRA GDPR Webinars

Date: 8 May 2018

The HRA is running a series of webinars to support researchers and research organisations in understanding their responsibilities in relation to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  within health research in the NHS.

The webinar will provide a review of the requirements of the GDPR (and UK Data Protection Bill, currently under parliamentary review), before looking at the practical application within research, and the activities that sponsors, researchers and host NHS sites need to undertake to be compliant.

To book a place,  register on the Online Booking System. 
A full list of dates are:

5th June 
19th June
10th July

Note that some webinars are not just for GDPR but include other sessions such as getting it right first time and amendments so check with the HRA website when you log in.

Depending on demand further sessions may be added, and please note further dates in June/ July will be added.
The webinars are run through Skype for Business 2015 and joining instructions are provided when you book.

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