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January Newsletter

Date: 30 January 2018

Welcome to our January News

We have started the New Year with plenty of activity to take us up to the Forum conference in May.

If you would like to know more about the Forum you can download our 2017 slide set for sharing here. There are many ways to get involved.

Are your details correct?

Strengthen our network and community of practice by making sure your Forum contact details are correct and by encouraging your teams to register.

Forum membership is free, and ensures you receive this monthly newsletter directly to your inbox. It helps us all to keep up-to-date and so please pass it on and update any changes using the registration form.

The highlights of this issue are

  • 2018 Conference News
  • Training
  • Forum Roundup
  • Around the Forum
  • New Resources
  • Regulatory News
  • Other News
  • Funding
  • Latest Jobs

2018 Conference News

Conference 14th & 15th May 2018. Celtic Manor, Newport Wales The Forum conference programme group is delighted to announce the full 2018 programme is LIVE! Congratulations to all who have been accepted for oral or poster presentations. This year we have over 50 speakers, 5 workshops, over 50 posters and a new Sunday evening networking event hosted by Nigel Rees, Director of R&D Welsh Ambulance Trust and including Academi Wales.

The conference is going from strength to strength and is the event where all those working in research management, research support and research leadership across the UK can come together to share practice, learn the latest and debate hot topics.

Incase you need any further convincing download our top 10 reasons for attending the Forum conference.

There are various packages you can book so don’t miss out. Early bird ends 15th February.

We still have exhibitor places available so please promote to those who might be interested in attending.


Our courses this quarter are essential master classes for all.

5th-6th FEB: A Practical Application of Monitoring in a Healthcare Setting – Cambridge – BOOK HERE

8th-9th MAR: Research the Basics – Edinburgh – BOOK HERE

22nd MAR: Regulatory Inspection Ready – East Midlands – BOOK HERE

17 APR: Data Management for Research in a Healthcare Setting – Manchester – BOOK HERE

Read more about the content of these courses or contact

Hear from the Forum training group at the conference in May on our plans for a new learning and development programme

Forum Roundup

Research to be recognised by CQC for its role in improving patient care

The announcement that the CQC is working with the NIHR and other partners to ensure research is recognised in their NHS hospital monitoring and inspection programme, has thus far received huge support on social media.

This initiative aims to ensure research can be further supported and better embedded as part of improving the care that NHS organisations provide.

Members of the NHS R&D Forum, Ashley Solieri and Maria Thornton, are supporting the partnership with others, to take forward indicators that are workable for the NHS, and they have written the following blog in response to the announcement.

Adding Value to Research through research management, support & leadership

Members are holding a multi stakeholder group in March together with NETSCC to look at working through some practical steps for research management teams on how we can practically ensure high value research. We will update you on progress at the conference in May.

Have your say

The Forum working group members are finalising their response to NHS England on plans for Excess treatment costs and commercial study set up. These plans are important for the future running of studies in the NHS in England. Read the proposals here

Service Users and Carers as Co-Applicants, Project Team Members and Co-researchers

The service user and carer working group have published a briefing paper on considerations around patients and the public as co-applicants, project team members and co-researchers. This paper was presented to a stakeholder group working with INVOLVE and we are looking to take this further into guidance for the research management community.

If you want to read the paper and answer some quick questions to help take this work forward email

Around the Forum

Visit the thread from the latest #Whywedoresearch tweet chat on researcher support discussing supporting researchers to do their research led by @EmmaYhnell and @uoscares

Share your news, events and updates. Email

New Resources

New submissions to REX this month:

  • Social media guide for the partially sighted – step by step guide to enable the visually impaired, blind and partially sighted via Twitter 
  • NHS England: Managing conflicts of interest a guide for organisations and staff
  • NHS England: Leading large scale change a practical guide
  • MRC quarterly newsletter
  • NEW Online catalogue of Bias that affect health evidence: From the Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences
  • New Cochrane interactive learning for conducting systematic review of interventions– Cochrane is delighted to announce the full launch of all nine modules of its new online introductory training course on how to conduct a systematic review of interventions
  • Data sharing in clinical trials – practical guidance on anonymising trial datasets
  • A web-based tool to help researchers create a publication list for grant applications from their ORCHID ID 
  • Slides and recording of Researchfish webinar for research organisations preparing for the next submission period now online
  • Synapse: Online collection of patient engagement initiatives in one place

Regulatory News

The latest MRC regulatory support service newsletter has been published, including GDPR briefings and all the latest on regulation of research

Other News

 What is medical research worth?

The NIHR has published a new paper showing the economic returns generated by public and charitable investment in UK medical research, using musculoskeletal disease research as an exemplar.

New #PPI standards call for test beds. Deadline 14th February 2018

Expressions of interest are invited for people, groups, teams and organisations to run test bed projects on the new developing #PPI standards from April 2018 until 2019. If you are interested more details are here

Make a PPI Pledge

Follow Louise Wood, Simon Denegri, Forum members and others, and make a positive commitment to improving involvement in all that you do. Sign a PPI pledge here.

England Guidance Managing Conflicts of interest in the NHS.

To our knowledge most organisations are handling declarations for research according to their own local policies and are not treating it separately.  If you have anything particular to share from a research perspective please let us know

MRC funding opportunities

NIHR funding: All the latest NIHR funding opportunities

Health & Care Research Wales Funding: All 2017-2018 funding schemes

Latest Jobs

See all the latest job postings

Are you recruiting? Do you want to reach the best candidates for your role? Submit your vacancies and the team will also tweet them and post to Linkedin

Please share your events, successes, activities, jobs, resources and and thoughts via the Forum by sending them to

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