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Changes to NIHR costing methodology from 2020/21

Date: 29 October 2019

From April 2020, the NIHR’s online interactive Costing Tool (iCT) will be the only system available for industry costing submissions for new studies. There will be no further Excel templates produced after this time. Make sure you’re ready for the big switchover – find out more about the iCT and how to get started here.

We encourage all NHS R&D Departments to pro-actively work ahead of this deadline and register themselves with group CPMS accounts so that are able to receive new iCT requests from our commercial partners, meaning that negotiation timelines and setup are reduced to a minimum. If you would like to understand further advantages to working within the iCT ahead of the 1st April 2020 then please contact who will be able to talk you through how the iCT can work to the benefit of your organisation.

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