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RDF Blog: Supporting the R&D community to achieve a Net Zero NHS

Date: 20 September 2024

The R&D Forum (RDF) is committed to reduce its carbon footprint and support the ambition of a net zero UK health care system.

The Lord O’Shaughnessy review is clear in its commitment to increase the numbers of clinical trials in the UK. There are estimated to be 350,000 trials registered on It is estimated that this has a carbon footprint of 27.5 million tonnes (Adshead et al., 2021). There are a number of research processes that impact significantly on carbon footprints such as, laboratory processes and freezer storage, travel of Research and Development staff and participants, excess research consumables waste and trial design and practice.

The National Institute of Health and Care Research (NIHR) published their commitments to climate, health and sustainability 2024-2026.

The UK research and innovation (R&I) sector have co-developed a voluntary environmental sustainability concordat. The concordat represents a shared ambition for the UK to continue delivering cutting-edge research, but in a more environmentally responsible and sustainable way.

The RDF are keen to enable our community to support a Net Zero NHS so we were delighted to attend the MRC-NIHR Trials Methodology Research Partnership Greener Trials Working Group, cross-sectoral workshop “Greener Trials: Knowledge Exchange in the Regulatory Ecosystem.”

The workshop was funded by Innovate UK and took place in June 2024. Sean Scott, RDF Trustee and Helen Riding, RDF Co-ordinator attended the workshop on behalf of the RDF Trustees.

This was a half-day workshop to review stakeholder progress and to explore the future of Greener Trials.

A report has been developed following the workshop and this will be published soon.

The morning began with some short presentations by Dr. Lisa Fox of the Institute of Cancer Research, Dr. Neil MacKillop of AstraZeneca and Jennifer Ekelund, Interim Head of Climate, Health and Sustainability from the NIHR, followed by reflections from patient representatives.

This was followed by a breakout session in which attendees were asked to consider how relevant bodies consider assessments of environmental impacts in clinical trials, exploring potential barriers and opportunities for innovation.

The RDF have recently created a Sustainability Working Group. This group helps support the research, development and innovation community with net zero strategy and implementation, working with partners and stakeholders, sharing best practice, and helping the R&D community remain updated on the latest national developments. The co-chairs are Tony Timlin, Research Programme Manager, North Bristol NHS Trust and Tobit Emmens, Associate Director of Research & Development, Devon Partnership NHS Trust.

We will share the workshop report once published and if you are interested in joining the RDF Sustainability Working Group please contact:

Helen Riding, RDF Co-Ordinator

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