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NEW FUNCTIONALITY! Sponsor Engagement Tool for studies on the NIHR RDN Portfolio

Date: 25 November 2024

In response to user feedback and in order to support sponsors to meet the expectations outlined in the DHSC policy Terms & Conditions for NIHR RDN support’, the Sponsor Engagement Tool has been further developed. The tool enables users to have improved visibility, oversight and control of the data the RDN holds on the sponsor organisation’s portfolio of studies.

Sponsors (or CROs or CTOs as appropriate) are now able to directly provide (ie., enter once) key study information (UK key dates, study status and target) to the NIHR RDN via the Sponsor Engagement Tool, as well as the required assessment of progress. The Sponsor Engagement Tool and CPMS are linked and so as long as the information is entered into one of these systems, RDN data will be updated accordingly.

Engagement with the tool and ensuring the data the RDN-holds is up-to-date supports users of RDN data (including DHSC and NHS England) with data-driven decision making. More accurate data also enables Sponsors (and delegates) with efficient planning and placement activities for future studies. RDN-held data (along with other sources) is used to help generate a picture of research being delivered in the UK, and enables the research community to work in partnership with the RDN.

The tool is available via and is accessible to study sponsor contacts and delegates from Contract Research Organisations (CROs) and Clinical Trial Units (CTUs).

Sponsors and their delegates will be asked to review their study data, provide updates on key data points where necessary and provide study assessments at least every three months, in line with the Terms and Conditions for NIHR RDN support

A suite of materials are available to support the use of the Sponsor Engagement Tool on the NIHR Learn platform.

Any queries about the tool can be emailed to

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