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Research Delivery Network Transformation Survey on Funding Models & February 2025 Update

Date: 11 March 2025

We have been invited to complete a third survey on the RDN transformation process, this one on funding models. We would like to extend this opportunity to feedback to the whole R&D community. You can do this by completing the survey (see LINK) by 5pm Tuesday 18th March. This is a little later than the RDN’s timeline for responses of 10th March but we have a meeting with RDNCC colleagues scheduled for Friday 21st March a which we will be discussing your responses. As with the previous survey, we will submit all responses to RDNCC but also collate themes and use these in future meetings we are invited to attend. The thematic analysis of survey 2 & other documents are below for your information.

Browse the relevant documents:

In the interests of speed we will be using an AI tool to support us in producing the thematic summary of the responses to the survey. No individual’s names, organisation’s names or contact details will be used in the AI tool and none of the text we feed into the tool will be attributable to individual respondents.

In advance of completing the survey you may wish to watch the next RDN video (Early views on the funding operating model and contracting methods)

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