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Representation this month

Date: 26 May 2021

The Forum continues to represent the R&D community at partnership meetings.  Find out where members have supported this month:

  • RRG – Support & influence. Intelligence feeds from groups and COVID Coffee.  Some changes to the managed recovery process have been based on feedback from the NHS R&D Forum and UKRD. A Managed recovery webinar was also held for members via UKRD (Maria Palmer)
  • ECMC Strategy workshop: Dipak Kalra represented
  • HRA Ethics Stakeholder group: Helen Lewis-white invited to represent
  • NIHR ATMP Infrastructure and Governance group with R&D Forum representation (Lynn Webster). First meeting since lockdown on 28th
  • HRA study set up board: Tracy Assari, Sally Humphreys, Kate Greenwood
  • ETC feedback group: Shona Haining, Susan Keenan
  • Commercial Costing reference group: Kate Greenwood
  • NIHR Primary Care Research Strategy: Clare Symms
  • HRA Champions: Kate Greenwood presented an update on the Forum activity to HRA champions this month alongside the new draft competency framework
  • CARE Group: Ashley Solieri, Becca Smith, Kate Greenwood

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