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Managed recovery of UK research portfolio – effective immediately

Date: 30 June 2021

In order to support a sustainable UK-wide recovery and in response to feedback from partners and stakeholders, a time-limited (6-12 months) approach to manage the recovery of multi-site interventional studies began in April 2021.

The managed recovery approach will be coordinated and led by NIHR CRN and overseen by the UK Clinical Research Recovery Resilience and Growth Programme Board.

Interventional, multi-site clinical research studies that are urgent and require the support of NIHR CRN and its Devolved Administration equivalents are in scope for managed recovery. The initial focus will be on studies which can fully recruit and/or close in the next year, although we appreciate particular specialities may need a different approach and will require some flexibility where appropriate.

Operational plans for the recovery of the commercial and non-commercial portfolio are overseen by a Managed Recovery Operational Group, chaired by Nick Lemoine, CRN Medical Director.

In summary:

  • Funders will identify the most urgent multi-centre studies (based on importance to NHS and study timelines) and research delivery teams will work with LCRNs and R&D leadership to discuss and assess site, regional and national delivery capability.
  • As the process develops National Specialty Leads will review their portfolio to identify other urgent studies.
  • Further rounds of review may be needed, as and when the first set of studies are recovering towards normal recruitment.
  • Studies which are already open and recruiting successfully should not be paused in anticipation of, or as a result of, this process. Other studies which fall outside of the scope should continue to be managed as usual by local sites.
  • NIHR CRN will continue to accept new studies but their delivery will need to be balanced alongside managed recovery of existing studies on the portfolio.

Further information can be found on the NIHR website

Latest on Vaccine Certification for Vaccine Study Participants

On 11 June 2021, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor Jonathan Van Tam sent an open letter to all UK residents who volunteered to take part in vaccine studies.

Following this, the NIHR can confirm to vaccine trial participants that they have the same status as people who have received a deployed vaccine. A mini-certificate equivalent to what people would receive on the 119 service from the NHS will be issued to all participants.

Visit the Be Part of Research website to read the latest updates, and frequently asked questions on the issue.

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