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‘NIHR Learn Insights’ – a CPD resource

Date: 23 July 2021

Colleagues in the NIHR Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre (CRN CC) recently launched a new CPD resource for all professions that come together to undertake health research delivery.

The aim, to promote one overarching ‘Clinical Research Delivery community’ and celebrate the common threads across the research workforce; acknowledging differences and the positives that this brings as part of a wider research community.

NIHR Learn Insights:

  • provides regular updates about content on NIHR Learn (courses, bite size learning and training events)
  • promotes tools and resources to identify and provide solutions to learning and development needs (including professional skills)
  • encourages engagement across communities

You can view all instalments from March to June on NIHR Learn. It only takes a couple of minutes to create an account.

Contact for more information.

NIHR Learn webinars and events calendar

As well as organising our own programme of online learning events and webinars, we also want to keep you up to date on interesting and relevant activities hosted by other providers. This calendar is regularly updated, if you are aware of any forthcoming events that would be useful to include, please can you forward these to

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