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MRC Survey on Diversity in Research

Date: 23 July 2021

MRC Survey on Diversity in Research

The Medical Research Council (MRC) have launched a community survey on Diversity in Research and conduct, the results of which will support a review of MRC policies in the area.

The scope of the survey covers community perceptions and as well as benefits and barriers to take-up for considering of aspects of diversity in research involving human participants, animal subjects and in vitro work.

The survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, depending on how many sections are relevant to your research. It’s open now and will close August 8th.

The personal data provided will be collated and anonymized prior to analysis and will not be attributable to individuals. Information gathered by SurveyMonkey will be used by UKRI-MRC, alongside data gathered through other exercises, to provide a dialogue that facilitates policy development, and will be retained for the period required to carry out this purpose.

We’re hoping to reach a broad section of the biomedical research community, so please feel free to share this among researchers at your institution if relevant.  If you have any questions regarding the survey, please feel free to contact myself (Dr Stella Child) on email address

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