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NHS R&D Forum Shared Practice Bulletin

Date: 18 May 2020

Development and sharing of practice during COVID 19

The R&D community has shown immense flexibility, resilience and skill in managing the research response to COVID-19.

The R&D Forum working group members have been hosting weekly hangouts to review COVID-19 developments, to share innovative practice and to support each other whilst quickly forming a national perspective of the practical issues affecting the development and delivery of COVID-19 research, including how these have changed as the UK-wide response has moved forwards. The groups from across the R&D management, support and leadership community have thus been uniquely ​placed to provide a meaningful contribution to the development of the national approach and to help with the national policy and guidance being produced. The R&D Forum will continue to support the Department of Health & Social Care and partners across the system to deliver the required COVID-19 research in a speedy and safe manner.

This bulletin is a means of sharing just 16 examples more widely. As the landscape changes these examples may become outdated but we hope they are useful in general times too. Click here to read the bulletin.

We would like to issue more bulletins as we go on and so please do share examples to ​

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