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Combined review for clinical trials – get ready for January 2022

Date: 27 September 2021

From 1 January 2022 all new CTIMPs (Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products) in the UK will benefit from a combined review from the MHRA and UK Ethics Service – one application, one coordinated review, one decision. Offering a more streamlined and efficient end-to-end service using a new part of IRAS, it’s open now to all CTIMP applicants and sponsors.

Combined review is the result of the MHRA and Health Research Authority working collaboratively with the NIHR and devolved administrations to deliver a range of benefits. These include improved access for researchers to the NIHR CRN’s Study Support Service, with the opportunity to apply for support earlier and receive an eligibility decision sooner through their new Non-commercial Portfolio Application service.  New non-commercial, English-led CTIMP studies using combined review should apply for support using this service.

All involved in CTIMP application submission and delivery are advised to become familiar with combined review now and use the service for all upcoming trials.  Email the team at for support with your first application.

Read more and get prepared for 2022 here –

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