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New ETC Virtual Round Table with Trudi Simmons

Date: 10 November 2020

New ETC Virtual Round Table with Trudi Simmons
18th November 2020
We are lucky to have secured an hour’s conversation with Trudi Simmons before she leaves for her retirement and we shall be holding this plus Q&A with Trudi between 11-12pm on the 18th November.
As Head of Research Finance for the Department of Health & Social Care, Trudi is the key architect of our current research finance policy, including AcoRD and ETCs.  If you would like to join Trudi and also James Hughes, Research Manager Innovation Research and Life Sciences Group at NHS England and Improvement please email Kate to join the list.
During the conversation we shall discuss ETCs with Trudi and the new ETC guidance to be issued. We will also take the opportunity to thank Trudi and wish her well.
We hope this is the first in a series of virtual Forum roundtables. If you can’t take part but have questions to raise please send them in to

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