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New learning resource – Understanding the difference between Clinical Health Research, Social Care Research and Public Health Research flashcards

Date: 25 October 2021

We are pleased to share a new learning resource that has been designed to support colleagues in their understanding of the different areas of research. Through the use of interactive flashcards, learners will be able to compare and contrast the differences and similarities in clinical health research, social care research and public health research. You can access the learning on NIHR Learn

This resource is ideal for inductions/new starters, those who are interested in becoming research active or those who would like to improve on their existing knowledge etc. 

This resource has been designed to provide a basic level of understanding. It won’t meet all learning needs, it’s an initial resource that will hopefully trigger some useful conversations and help to identify more specific learning needs in this area in the future. 

We would like to thank colleagues across the NIHR for their contributions to enable the creation of this resource.  Please share as appropriate. If you have any feedback or suggestions please contact

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